
In His “Carbon Free” footsteps
February 18, 2010, 11:03
Filed under: Church wrongs, culture | Tags: , , ,

British bishops urge ‘carbon fast’ for Lent

Change global climate, in the name of Jesus!

LONDON — Several prominent Anglican British bishops are urging Christians to keep their carbon consumption in check this Lent.

The 40-day period of penitence before Easter typically sees observant Catholics, Anglicans, and Orthodox Christians give up meat, alcohol or chocolates.

But this year’s initiative aims to convince those observing Lent to try a day without an iPod or mobile phone in a bid to reduce the use of electricity — and thus trim the amount of carbon dioxide spewed into the atmosphere.

Bishop of London Rev. Richard Chartres said that the poorest people in developing countries were the hardest hit by man-made climate change.

He said Tuesday that the “Carbon Fast” was “an opportunity to demonstrate the love of God in a practical way.”

There are times that try my good will, and some things that drive me not up, but through the wall of polite concern.  This press release has upped my blood pressure and caused me to think bad thoughts.

First of all,  even the UN is getting off the “Climate Change” bus.  Even Al Gore has been quiet lately.[  Thank you, God].  With all that is going on in the U.K., as far as the influx of Islam, alcoholism,  their economy, church closings, and a host of other really scary, absolutely negative social trends, this group of clerics has decided that their best effort could best be directed toward a problem that does not even exist.  Help me Lord to not say, “Rocha!”.

Now to the measurable science of it all.  A charger for an Ipod or cell phone consumes less than 500 mA.   Five hundred Milliamperes.  The impact of shutting off all the cell phone and Ipod chargers in the UK would be nill!  Most people charge these devices at night, past peak power usage times.  Perhaps these Anglicans think there is someone at the generation station reading a dial that will say, “Smith-Jones turned off his Ipod,  crank her down, mate.”Preposterous!  Of all the energy reduction consumption programs in the world, this is the least effective.

This is not a ‘practical way to show God’s love’ , this is a politically correct way to jump on a band wagon that has been proven to have no wheels.  God’s love an be shown best by sharing the Gospel in a country where Christians are an endangered specie.  Studies show that in Canada the Anglicans will be extinct in one more generation, cell phones and Ipods or not.

I applaud the idea of going without electronic companionship for a day, even a week, or for all of Lent.  Everyone is so plugged in, turned on, and tuned in, that the voice of God, the still, small, voice, is often lost in the air waves.  What a fine and noble Lenten message it would be to say,

“Listen to those around you this Lent!”

“Unplug your devices and pray quietly this Lent!”

“Turn your radio on, and listen to the music in the air, turn your radio on, get in touch with God”   [anybody remember that one?]

“Power down, to be empowered from on High!”

This Lenten message makes the Church look petty and ineffective, filled with politics and false beliefs.  Well, if it quacks like a duck….   God forgive me for my anger.

Gnastic influence not Gnew, Gnow Sourced
February 6, 2010, 11:42
Filed under: Church wrongs | Tags: , , , ,

I have had a few conversations with Gnostics.  In order to converse with them I have read some of the Gnostic “gospels”in the same way that I have read the Koran and the Book of Mormon and the L. Ron Hubbard books.  It is an advantage to be able to relate to a differing belief system with some level of understanding,  and having a common platform from which to begin communication.  It would not be possible  to communicate with people unless you have some common frame  of reference.

It has been much more difficult to communicate with the Gnastic  Christians.  These are the people who just seem gnasty.  They have gnasty comments,  gnasty  actions and while they claim to use the Bible as a study guide, I have long suspected that another volume of “wisdom” of some kind takes precedence over the Blessed Scripture.

Certain modern bible scholars have used an inductive method to come to a conclusion that there was a pre-gospel book called “Q”,  the “source” for Matthew, Mark and Luke.  The claim is that there is so much commonality that a written form MUST have been in existence that the writers used as a template for their letters.  As an uneducated man, I always supposed the commonality to Christ.

Using this accepted scholarly technique, I propose that there is a source book for the Gnastics.   It is obvious from their large number and  homogenous nature, the uniformity and ubiquity of this branch of Christians , that there is some guiding text book on which their behavior is based. I will call it “The Gospel of Gnast, Guide book for the Gnasty Christian.”

I know this book is existent!  It must be.  There is such an amazing base of evidence . Based on quotes so often heard from people who follow this philosophy I believe it is possible to reconstruct segments of the Gnast, even to find verses, based upon the behavior and speech of the Gnastic Christians. While my scholarship is poor, my experience with the Gnastics predates my conversion to Christ my Lord, and in fact may have delayed it.  Were it not for the supremacy of God and the relentless power of the Holy Spirit,  I believe the doctrine of the Gnatics would have kept me from the  Grace in which I live.  Based on these years of  [horrible] experience I will interpolate what their Gospel must contain.

Verily, The Lord seeith the heart through rose-colored glasses.                               The appearance of religion is what is desired of you by your God.                           Cruelty is to be honored if it is ye who are cruel,  honesty directed at thee is      cruel and mean Spirited.                                                                                                             Your salvation is a badge of honor to you, and is to be used to make the  unsaved feel like the miserable wretches they are.                                                         Those preachers whose message is an ointment to your ears are truly blessed,   those with whom you do not agree are hell-bound sinners.                                     The way you were when you first became a believer is the way thou shalt stay, and those doctrines you first embraced are never to be questioned.                     Suffer the little children to be scolded and criticized, whereby ye can feel good about thyself and thy mighty status as “true believer”.                                                 Those who would criticize thee by holding scripture to thy face as a mirror  are of Satan.                                                                                                                                       Blessed art the sour,  for they shall ensure the pews have much open space.      For God so loved some of the world,  That He sent His only Son, that ye and thy little clique might feel superior to all.                                                                           Thou shalt support the church and thy Pastor as long as ye are having thy needs met.

There is a great body of Gnastic teachings that I have yet to compile. These teachings run deep in the    Body of Christ.  Have you experienced them?  Do you  have some Gnastic Verse to share?  How have Gnastics affected your life, your ministry?

Or is it just me.

Lost Sinners, to Believers, to Ministers
February 5, 2010, 11:08
Filed under: faith | Tags: ,

Growing in Christ, for service.

What a joy it is to see those you have ministered to begin to minister to others!  I count it a privilege to minister to people.  It is a job I do not deserve,  a duty that is a gift.  I am starting to experience an even deeper joy.  The people I have ministered to in the name of the Risen Savior are ministering to others in the name of Christ.

Our little church has a lot of ministers.  There are people reaching out and loving others, sharing the love of Jesus, and having a faith that is alive with works.

I visited Marie in the hospital during her dark times.  She now visits the hospital, loving the infirm with a depth impossible before her own trials.

Jeff came to Dayspring seeking what Dan had, and now brings others to share what he found.

Bob had a grudge against preachers, [ understandable] and now is every Pastor’s dream, an elder who can teach, preach and pray.

Melinda was a youth in Praise team, now leads a praise team and ministers to youth.

Mike was an agnostic alcoholic, and now shares the Truth with the struggling as only someone who has been there could do.

Young Michael, who at one time had no communion with the Lord, now prepares His Table in true worshipful service.

Little Jessica, [2 years old] , the one for whose life we prayed, now hands out bulletins .  [You should see this, she takes her job seriously!]

G and P ,who once received economic help from the church, now bless the church with what God has given.

The Holy Spirit is working on us all to make us usable for the Kingdom. can anyone ask more?

Sunday’s Sermon at Dayspring
February 4, 2010, 21:52
Filed under: Bible study | Tags: , , , ,

If this works, it will get posted on Dayspring.trials

Deliver us from our daily bread?
February 3, 2010, 23:58
Filed under: Uncategorized | Tags:

Slices of...poison?

The new year started of with a new challenge at stately Willohroots manor.  My beautiful wife began 2010 with hives, and an itchy rash.   Using a food journal, we found out that bread was causing a reaction.  Doing research we learned that not only bread but all wheat products contain a protein called Gluten.  Gluten is the lovely Dawn’s kryptonite!

This has been a learning process.  Early into our adventure I poisoned her with soy sauce,  since then every ingredient is checked out for this vile substance!  We found “bread” she can eat, “bread made out of…..rice.  Same with noodles.  All wheat products are forbidden.

Live and learn.  Now we are praying, “Give us this day protection from bread”.

The good news is we figured it out and Dawn is doing much better, in fact many “mystery ailments are fading or gone completely.  Who would have thought pasta would be intolerable to my Italian woman!

Thank God for His guidance,and finding the source of misery quickly!   Perhaps we will both lose some weight, as eating out at a restaurant is out,  and I am learning a new way to cook for her.

Anybody have an Idea for communion?  Matzo bread is out!

Dayspring praise band
February 3, 2010, 23:41
Filed under: Uncategorized

002_B_001_people get ready_2009_01_01 (4)

Last year’s Praise band, is this a good thing, or something like it, to put on the Dayspring web site?

Honesty is more valued than politeness.   Thank you.

A little Mountain Gospel Music
February 3, 2010, 20:09
Filed under: Uncategorized

My family spent some time when the girls were little singing in churches.  We still try to make a joyful noise. Here is Melinda and I. Track05