
In His “Carbon Free” footsteps
February 18, 2010, 11:03
Filed under: Church wrongs, culture | Tags: , , ,

British bishops urge ‘carbon fast’ for Lent

Change global climate, in the name of Jesus!

LONDON — Several prominent Anglican British bishops are urging Christians to keep their carbon consumption in check this Lent.

The 40-day period of penitence before Easter typically sees observant Catholics, Anglicans, and Orthodox Christians give up meat, alcohol or chocolates.

But this year’s initiative aims to convince those observing Lent to try a day without an iPod or mobile phone in a bid to reduce the use of electricity — and thus trim the amount of carbon dioxide spewed into the atmosphere.

Bishop of London Rev. Richard Chartres said that the poorest people in developing countries were the hardest hit by man-made climate change.

He said Tuesday that the “Carbon Fast” was “an opportunity to demonstrate the love of God in a practical way.”

There are times that try my good will, and some things that drive me not up, but through the wall of polite concern.  This press release has upped my blood pressure and caused me to think bad thoughts.

First of all,  even the UN is getting off the “Climate Change” bus.  Even Al Gore has been quiet lately.[  Thank you, God].  With all that is going on in the U.K., as far as the influx of Islam, alcoholism,  their economy, church closings, and a host of other really scary, absolutely negative social trends, this group of clerics has decided that their best effort could best be directed toward a problem that does not even exist.  Help me Lord to not say, “Rocha!”.

Now to the measurable science of it all.  A charger for an Ipod or cell phone consumes less than 500 mA.   Five hundred Milliamperes.  The impact of shutting off all the cell phone and Ipod chargers in the UK would be nill!  Most people charge these devices at night, past peak power usage times.  Perhaps these Anglicans think there is someone at the generation station reading a dial that will say, “Smith-Jones turned off his Ipod,  crank her down, mate.”Preposterous!  Of all the energy reduction consumption programs in the world, this is the least effective.

This is not a ‘practical way to show God’s love’ , this is a politically correct way to jump on a band wagon that has been proven to have no wheels.  God’s love an be shown best by sharing the Gospel in a country where Christians are an endangered specie.  Studies show that in Canada the Anglicans will be extinct in one more generation, cell phones and Ipods or not.

I applaud the idea of going without electronic companionship for a day, even a week, or for all of Lent.  Everyone is so plugged in, turned on, and tuned in, that the voice of God, the still, small, voice, is often lost in the air waves.  What a fine and noble Lenten message it would be to say,

“Listen to those around you this Lent!”

“Unplug your devices and pray quietly this Lent!”

“Turn your radio on, and listen to the music in the air, turn your radio on, get in touch with God”   [anybody remember that one?]

“Power down, to be empowered from on High!”

This Lenten message makes the Church look petty and ineffective, filled with politics and false beliefs.  Well, if it quacks like a duck….   God forgive me for my anger.

Gnastic influence not Gnew, Gnow Sourced
February 6, 2010, 11:42
Filed under: Church wrongs | Tags: , , , ,

I have had a few conversations with Gnostics.  In order to converse with them I have read some of the Gnostic “gospels”in the same way that I have read the Koran and the Book of Mormon and the L. Ron Hubbard books.  It is an advantage to be able to relate to a differing belief system with some level of understanding,  and having a common platform from which to begin communication.  It would not be possible  to communicate with people unless you have some common frame  of reference.

It has been much more difficult to communicate with the Gnastic  Christians.  These are the people who just seem gnasty.  They have gnasty comments,  gnasty  actions and while they claim to use the Bible as a study guide, I have long suspected that another volume of “wisdom” of some kind takes precedence over the Blessed Scripture.

Certain modern bible scholars have used an inductive method to come to a conclusion that there was a pre-gospel book called “Q”,  the “source” for Matthew, Mark and Luke.  The claim is that there is so much commonality that a written form MUST have been in existence that the writers used as a template for their letters.  As an uneducated man, I always supposed the commonality to Christ.

Using this accepted scholarly technique, I propose that there is a source book for the Gnastics.   It is obvious from their large number and  homogenous nature, the uniformity and ubiquity of this branch of Christians , that there is some guiding text book on which their behavior is based. I will call it “The Gospel of Gnast, Guide book for the Gnasty Christian.”

I know this book is existent!  It must be.  There is such an amazing base of evidence . Based on quotes so often heard from people who follow this philosophy I believe it is possible to reconstruct segments of the Gnast, even to find verses, based upon the behavior and speech of the Gnastic Christians. While my scholarship is poor, my experience with the Gnastics predates my conversion to Christ my Lord, and in fact may have delayed it.  Were it not for the supremacy of God and the relentless power of the Holy Spirit,  I believe the doctrine of the Gnatics would have kept me from the  Grace in which I live.  Based on these years of  [horrible] experience I will interpolate what their Gospel must contain.

Verily, The Lord seeith the heart through rose-colored glasses.                               The appearance of religion is what is desired of you by your God.                           Cruelty is to be honored if it is ye who are cruel,  honesty directed at thee is      cruel and mean Spirited.                                                                                                             Your salvation is a badge of honor to you, and is to be used to make the  unsaved feel like the miserable wretches they are.                                                         Those preachers whose message is an ointment to your ears are truly blessed,   those with whom you do not agree are hell-bound sinners.                                     The way you were when you first became a believer is the way thou shalt stay, and those doctrines you first embraced are never to be questioned.                     Suffer the little children to be scolded and criticized, whereby ye can feel good about thyself and thy mighty status as “true believer”.                                                 Those who would criticize thee by holding scripture to thy face as a mirror  are of Satan.                                                                                                                                       Blessed art the sour,  for they shall ensure the pews have much open space.      For God so loved some of the world,  That He sent His only Son, that ye and thy little clique might feel superior to all.                                                                           Thou shalt support the church and thy Pastor as long as ye are having thy needs met.

There is a great body of Gnastic teachings that I have yet to compile. These teachings run deep in the    Body of Christ.  Have you experienced them?  Do you  have some Gnastic Verse to share?  How have Gnastics affected your life, your ministry?

Or is it just me.

There’s a sermon in it: Displaced fish
September 24, 2009, 10:19
Filed under: Christ, faith, Uncategorized | Tags:
Pond dwellers swimming in a cold mountain stream, for a time.

Pond dwellers swimming in a cold mountain stream, for a time.

It must be the preacher in me.  So often things in nature,  in life, in movies or a show, reach out to me with the Truth of  God’s  Word.  At church, before the sermon,  someone may put something in ‘The Mystery Bag” and I am challenged to preach a 4 or 5 minute impromptu  sermonette  to the children about whatever it is I may find there.  The kids seem to love it.  The principle is that since God is the Creator, everything created must tell His story.  I find that is true in all of life.

This spring there was a high water occurrence do to heavy spring rains.  We have been blessed with a small creek in the back yard, running down the middle of the property ,  normally home to striped minnows, crayfish, and the occasional  frog.   This spring the high water brought some unexpected guests.  From the pond at the top of the hill came some Bluegills.  Some of you may know them as blue-gilled Sunfish, or bream.  They had been swept down stream, over a 12 foot waterfall past the rocks and downed trees, and ended up in a small dammed area in the back yard.

Blue gills are not native stream dwellers.  They live naturally in  ponds and lakes, where the water is warmer and still.  They are not streamlined like trout, which are designed by the Creator to cut through currents and live in cold  moving water.  Their color helps them to blend with the weeds and grass of a shoreline, but betrays them in a free stone stream.  If my wife and I did not feed them they would never survive, and if we did not protect them the Great White Herons would have had a wonderful meal.  I’ll not soon forget the image of a 3 to 4 foot high bird in a larch tree giving my wife dirty bird looks,  as she scolded it for trying to get its lunch at stately  Willohroots Manor.   They have grown on their diet of bread and scrambled eggs.  I guess we could eat them,  or ignore them and let the high water or ice  take them to their doom,  but they have given us much pleasure this year,  as we have enjoyed watching them through crystal clear water as they fed and swam around.  Abandoning them now would be very out of character for Dawn and I.   This weekend we are going to scoop them up and give them a car ride back to the pond where they belong, so that they can live with their fellow pond-dwellers in safety and security,  safe from the ravages of winter.

Do you see the sermon in this yet?

This world is not our home.  It is a cold place where we are buffeted with the currents of the stream of things far beyond our control.  We are for a time in a damned place,  damned by our disobedience to to merciful God,  living in a place where the adversary prowls like a roaring lion waiting to devour us, where ravenous birds of the air prey upon the seeds of the Gospel that have no firm root in good soil.

Were it not for the protection and provision of a kind and loving Creator we would perish.  This Creator so loved us that He walked among us, being for a time,  a little fish in a great pond,  not choosing to rule, but to teach and guide us to repentance and love.  We have grown, even in this hostile environment, by his provision,  and he who has started a good work in us would never abandon us to the flood and the chilling cold of a time when His warming love is absent from the stream of history.   We hope we have given him pleasure with the sacrifice of our Worship, and our feeble attempts to imitate Him.  He has promised to gather us up,  all of us, the living and the dead, and take us to a place of warmth and eternal provision, where we can be with others of our kind in a place protected from all assault and deprivation.  He will not do this because of what we have done, but because that is His Nature, and His promises are sure.

Somehow that fish symbol means a bit more to me today.

He will gather us up , the whole school!

He will gather us up , the whole school!

Fred Phelps banned from UK
May 6, 2009, 06:05
Filed under: Crazed Thought, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , ,


One of 22 banned from entry to United Kingdom

One of 22 banned from entry to United Kingdom



On more than one occasion Fred Phelp’s behavior has caused me to wish Baptists had a Bishop in the hierarchy, or at least a hierarchy.  Baptists love and support the independence of the local church, so there is no one who has the authority to defrock the disguisting, or remove the tinfoil hat wearing idiot as long as there is some sort of group willing to gather in front of the pulpit.  

Fred is the guy with the “God Hates Fags” signs.  He is the guy that takes a crowd of like-minded [? mind?] folk to protest at the funerals of soldiers who died in service to our country.  He is the guy some folk think of when you say,”Baptist”.  Fred founded the Westboro Baptist Church where I am told a bunch of his relatives and a few odd ducks manage to miss the whole point of the greatest teacher of love the universe has ever seen.  

So the United Kingdom bans this guy, his daughter Shirley Phelps-Roper, a hamas terrorist , and  nineteen others from entry.  Here it is fron The National Post>>

Britain has blacklisted 22 people from entering the country, accusing them of fomenting hatred, glorifying terrorism or being capable of inciting ethnic violence in the country.

 A list of 16 of the people was published yesterday to “name and shame” them, according to Home Secretary Jacqui Smith.

 The list included U. S. conservative talk-radio host Michael Weiner — also known as Michael Savage–Fred Phelps, a U. S. anti-gay activist, Hamas lawmaker Yunis Al-Astal, Jewish extremist Mike Guzovsky, former Ku Klux Klan leader Stephen Donald Black, neo-Nazi Erich Gliebe, and several Islamic preachers.

The frustrating part of the story is that Fred gets international publicity.   Isn’t that the way it goes?  Some guy like Jeofurry  who preaches his heart out and works for flood victims, and spreads the love of the Gospel will be known by a few of us, Fred gets mega multi- media press. Where is the Baptist Pope when you need him!?  Can the name Baptist be copyrighted so there is a brand name recognition issue?  If you were trying to pass kookie-cola off as Pepsi a team of lawyers would have your lunch and the brown bag it came in. Mr. Phelps can use the name baptist and we have no recourse , and don’t get me started on that title Reverend that he uses. 

Fred will not land at Heathrow

Fred will not land at Heathrow

Free speech is to be supported. Mr. Phelps is entitled to every wacko thought in his head, and to open up his mouth to speak such drivel.  My issue is that to use the name of the historically most tolerant religious denomination as he does, to speak for my Lord Jesus as he claims to , and to call yourself a minister of God as you are the world’s worst witness of His Love, does damage to the Kingdom that surely makes the devil smile.  Those of us who claim to speak for God as prophets, or speak the Word of God need to tremble in fear that not only what we say, but the way we say it, is pleasing in His sight .  There are far more glorious places than England to be banned from.